It is on historical record that, on the evening of October 13th 1939,
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Our earth life is composed of symbols. Designer, Buckminster Fuller stated, The Universe is speaking to us all the time.
Life in the United Arab Emirates brings many ups and downs.
Alyse Johnson has lived a sheltered life of privilege and wealth, growing up in her prominent family’s luxurious mansion on Jacksonville Beach.
Mindfulness is a tool for everyone in the world.
What is your definition of a champion? Mastering difficult skills?
Teachers and coaches get frustrated when their students don’t perform at their best.
Have you ever thought about how your seemingly insignificant life events have formed who you are?
When children venture away from their home for the first time, they begin learning new things in another world as know as school.
Royal is an outstanding high school basketball player from Atlanta, Georgia, that has a bright future ahead of him.