Enter the world of Father Steven Trimboli, an activist priest who fights for justice against immigrant discrimination and labor disputes in the 1960s.

Book Summary


Enter the world of Father Steven Trimboli, an activist priest who fights for justice against immigrant discrimination and labor disputes in the 1960s. However, his struggle with the hierarchy leads to an insurmountable task – building a church in a remote area where he feels like a fish out of water. After surviving a fire, he finds comfort in a woman, but their moment of mutual passion has disastrous consequences.

As he seeks atonement, Father Trimboli becomes a chaplain in Vietnam, facing danger and struggling to maintain his faith in the face of adversity. Despite years of service and degradation, he finally receives the promotion he deserves – Monsignor and a parish of his own. However, his faith is tested once again when he confronts the darkest secrets of sexual abuse that bring him face-to-face with the devastating truth – that those children trust most, the church, can also betray them.

These Thy Gifts is a powerful and timely story that sheds light on the struggles Catholics face today. Join Father Trimboli on a journey through 50 years of his life – from the streets of Brooklyn to the jungles of Vietnam and beyond. Follow his unique perspective as an Army Chaplain and pastor, and be inspired by his unwavering fight for justice, faithfulness, and standing up for the oppressed.

These Thy Gifts will take you on a remarkable journey of resilience in love that goes beyond religion and glory days – a story that will inspire and move you.

What readers say about the book🧐

This is a great story that takes a span of over fifty years and it proudly carries the depth and the breadth of such a long period. Steven Trimboli is a Catholic priest, but nevertheless imperfect human being. Yet, if a priest can ever be perfect in his imperfection, that would be this dynamic and highly likable persona.Do the church and the mafia have something in common? When they pair by evil, they most certainly do, but Steven Trimboli is not the one who likes keeping it quiet. That is one of his most remarkable qualities - he is brazen and outspoken and speaks with an honesty that has an almost childlike innocence. Indeed, that makes him a thorn in the eyes of the powerful church people like Barillo and a toy in the hands of the mafia. I found myself cheering for Trimboli and wishing to see more people like him - someone who, for chrissakes, speaks when he needs to!However, he is also torn by his own life’s sins and decisions and this is how his life has an unexpected turn, as he becomes a father and finds surprising love. I loved the characters. They are alive, well-portrayed and carry the action with vigor. Just as Steven is an almost naive justice-seeker, so is Barillo cold-blooded and vicious, the mobster Tony La Marca is not delusional about how will his life end, and Rosalie is a vehement survivor who will engage all her powers when necessary.I loved this beautiful story of life, love and justice - grab it!

Billy O.

(Amazon Review)
About the Author

Vincent Panettiere



Vincent Panettiere was not born in a trunk at the Princess Theatre in Pocatello, Idaho, but in Brooklyn, NY.

He graduated from St. John’s University and went to graduate school at Boston University. After college he became a sports writer for the wire service United Press International (UPI) and later wrote for the Boston Herald, a major daily newspaper in that city before Rupert Murdochized it.

After holding executive positions at Westinghouse Broadcasting, CBS and Xerox he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career as a screen writer. Four of his scripts were optioned but not produced, one by Twentieth Century Fox and the others by now-defunct production companies.

He became a licensed and bonded literary agent representing writers and directors in television and films. He made deals for writers and directors on TV series, including Xena, The Untouchables and Babylon 5. He was also instrumental in the production of two independent feature films and the sale of numerous indie/MOW film scripts.

During the same time, Panettiere was certified by the Major League Baseball Players Association to serve as an agent for major league and professional baseball players. Clients he represented played in the major leagues for the Boston Red Sox, St. Louis Cardinals and Kansas City Royals.

Objecting to the standard means of financing independent films, Panettiere sought non-traditional funding for his writer/director clients. His journey through the murky world of cyberspace was chronicled in his first book The Internet Financing Illusion published in 2007.

Next, Panettiere turned to fiction. In A Woman to Blame, Panettiere created the character of Chicago police detective Mike Hegan. This was followed by These Thy Gifts, a second novel featuring Hegan, The Scopas Factor and his latest, The Music of Women.

There is more information on Panettiere and his books on the website

He continues to live in Los Angeles and has eaten dinner in Pocatello, Idaho.

Are you ready to read it now?

Enter the world of Father Steven Trimboli, an activist priest who fights for justice against immigrant discrimination and labor disputes in the 1960s.

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