The Soul Whispers Poetry

The Soul Whispers Poetry,’ has fifty-six poems, in four sections. Animals, Nature, Self and Devotion.

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Book Summary →

The Soul Whispers Poetry

The Soul Whispers Poetry,’ has fifty-six poems, in four sections. Animals, Nature, Self and Devotion.

Each a relationship healing from the soul to humanity as a whole and individuals awakening to their paths.
A different perspective, through calling on our soul to awaken in the heart.

Animals: These poems look at changes through the eyes of spirit, aiming to feel the deep heart-loving connection our pets provide us with.

Nature: The soul does not see nature as an object. This section provides guidance and messages from nature within the beauty of the poem.

Self: On a spiritual path many changes happen, but the biggest is the amount of self-love and growth in consciousness.
Devotion: Through devotion, relationships thrive and expand. In this Vikki explores how we call on the mother and the father, on the universal oneness, to empower change and help us connect to the inner realms.

What readers say about the book🧐

I loved the theme the poems explore. It's emotional, and it makes you experience something raw when reading them. You can almost feel the author's personality. I especially loved the poems on forgiveness and how it can change our lives. That part was deeply inspiring.

Alison J

(Amazon Review)
About the Author →

Vikki Koplick

Vikki’s 30 year spiritual journey has led her to find her soul’s vocation and mission as a healer, writer, poet and student of consciousness.

She is also a clairvoyant, empath and animal whisperer, and is able to communicate the spirits of nature and animals.

Vikki teaches self love to her clients and readers

Overcoming a lifetime of trauma from low self esteem, criticism, teasing, bullying, sexual abuse, being told she was wrong by narcissist.

Falling into people pleasing, taking the blame, Shame and guilt for being angry or having a trauma response. A lifetime of trying to stay safe by feeling other people’s emotions instead of her own.


Vikki’s has a amazing growing following for her spiritual tip videos on Tiktok. 👇


Author interview link 👇

Animals are Vikki’s happy place so once she become a energy healer she wanted to give back to the animal kingdom healing too.

Vikki does distance Energy Healings on Pets, their relationships and the owners.

Which she calls ” The full fur family healing.”

Her method for distance energy healings is discussed in her book Sacred Animal Activism.

Available in POD and ebook

Are you ready to read it now?

The Soul Whispers Poetry,’ has fifty-six poems, in four sections. Animals, Nature, Self and Devotion.

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