The Piano

She’s his musical inspiration. He’s her writing muse.

The Piano Mockup

Book Summary →

The Piano

She’s his musical inspiration. He’s her writing muse. They’re as passionate about each other as they are about their professions, if not even more. Each enriches and completes the other, like pen does to paper, like notes to a melody. It’s the kind of love that everybody hopes for, one that’s gentle, honest, supportive, and true-the kind of love that they themselves had hoped for all their lives, though neither one of them had ever thought they’d find it. Gladly, each was proven wrong, but dark shadows still exist and are looming. Inner wars begin to wage. Can traumas be healed and self-forgiveness ever be found? The worlds both around and within them weaken, but the love shared between them does not-even if that’s not so clear at the time. When earthly limits are reached, soulful passion takes over and speaks instead. – Inspired by a true gentleman’s existence that I am blessed and fortunate to fondly recall. Thank you. – XX

What readers say about the book🧐

POWERFUL & INSPIRATIONALwhat i like about the book, is that it is short, so i can read it, and the chapters are short too, and interesting, so i can take a break between reading them and think about them. it starts out a bit mushy, but thats okay as it sets the stage, and it follows with a really interesting story. its fast paced and it flows really well. the way it explains things and transitions from one thing to the next has a nice touch.i also like how values are transmitted in the book, thats important. everyone reading this book will be inspired.and the best part, the ending. it builds upto it the whole book and it delivers. the way its worded, "hell beautifully disguised" is brilliant. its a powerful message that inspires people to never give so glad i read it.

mark f.

(Amazon Review)
About the Author →


A 5-star author of multiple genres who uses her creative platform as a point of outreach within her work amongst intersectional advocacy toward Trauma-informed Care & Accessibility. Her activism, founded initiatives and her art have reached both local and international audiences. She is, additionally, an Honours Graduate of College-level Social Sciences.

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She’s his musical inspiration. He’s her writing muse.

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