The Dating Fantasy
Unusual past dating experiences constantly haunt and interchange with the inner web of convoluted intrigue and personal conflicts of the now.

Book Summary →
The Dating Fantasy
Unusual past dating experiences constantly haunt and interchange with the inner web of convoluted intrigue and personal conflicts of the now. Mark Zuskind, a retired historian, meets up with the beautiful Helena, a professor from Russia, after being manipulated by an invitation to attend an international conference in Budapest. Targeted by the Vatican for his alleged blasphemous writings and lectures, Mark now finds himself at the center of a complex plot. An organization for women’s empowerment takes up Mark’s predicament to fight for academic freedom and equality for women in the Church. At every stage the present clashes with the past evoking Mark’s denouement of dating trysts.
What readers say about the book🧐
This book will surely resonate with anyone over 60 who has tried internet dating--the experiences of the author will leave you sometimes laughing out loud and other times squirm with embarrassment at some truly awful face to face meetings. But beyond these vignettes the author skillfully weaves a story that is part Philip Roth and part Dan Brown--in which the narrator as a distinguished academic historian is caught up in an attempt by the Catholic suppress his calling out of the church for its resistance to the full inclusion of women's voices and roles in the church. The ensuing story is, by turns, humorous, but also moving and alway engaging. While the story sometimes strains credibility the author ensures that it is well rooted in his erudite knowledge of medieval, religious history. The book tells some extraordinary tales which will take the reader on an enlightening, historically challenging, as well as an erotically charged, journey, It was money well spent and a real page turner.
H. S. Shapiro

About the Author →
Frank Shapiro
Frank Shapiro graduated in medieval history from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He is a former high school history teacher of European and Jewish history, and was assistant researcher at the Museum of the Diaspora, Tel Aviv.
Commissioned by the Council of Zambian Jewry to research the history of the Jews in Northern Rhodesia/Zambia which led to the publication of Zion in Africa.
His next book, Haven in Africa, reveals a nexus between Northern Rhodesia and the Holocaust.
God’s Elect, is an exciting contemporary historical suspense story.
Eve and Mary: the Search for Lost Beauty and Sensuality exposes a remarkable discovery leading to unusual historical and cultural revelations. This work is a readable cum travel book encompassing art, Christianity, history and more.
The Dating Fantasy, is an intriguing novel. The story unravel the protagonist’s unusual past dating experiences which constantly haunt and interchange with the inner web of convoluted intrigue and personal conflicts of the now.
His latest work is The Conspiracy against Mary Magdalene. an intriguing narrative highlighting how Mary Magdalene, Jesus’ closest companion, was symbolically crucified?
Frank lectures frequently on his subjects and has contributed diverse historical articles in newspapers and journals.
Born in London, he lives in Israel.
Are you ready to read it now?
Unusual past dating experiences constantly haunt and interchange with the inner web of convoluted intrigue and personal conflicts of the now.