The Cassandra Protocol
Welcome to Allcare
In 2035, the U.S. healthcare agency, Allcare

Book Summary →
The Cassandra Protocol
In 2035, the U.S. healthcare agency, Allcare — the sole Provider for all medical services — is controlled by a powerful artificial intelligence called Cassandra.
Veteran journalist J.J. Connor, 66, has already roiled the industry with his first book — Allcare and the A.I. — but now he’s on the hunt for more after a whistleblower tells him:
“Cassandra is killing the outliers, and I can prove it.”
He and his beautiful young researcher, Honor Sorenson, find that thousands of patients are dying in droves after enduring the long and costly hospital stays dictated by the Cassandra Protocol.
But it’s not long before Connor becomes one of them, trapped in an ICU with a unique (or tailored?) strain of pneumonia, and under threat from the soulless entity he is investigating.
What readers say about the book🧐
Readers will love this book by an author I have found to write engaging novels that make you think. Head into Allcare, a place where things are not what they seem and lives are in danger. After you meet Cassandra, you will wish you hadn't. Technology has gone to new and strange levels. A veteran journalist has made enemies of some powerful people and now things are worse because he is one of those who lives are in danger. Join the author in this thriller, you'll be glad you did.
P.S Winn

About the Author →
Joe Dacy
A former reporter and editor, I hold a Bachelor of Journalism degree with High Honors from The University of Texas. After about six years in journalism and eight years selling real estate, I entered the field of law enforcement and served as a patrolman and detention officer for four years.
For the next 18 years I worked in computer software training, holding various positions in the fields of sales force automation, telecom, web development and business intelligence.
At the end of 2013, I retired from the rat-race, giving me time to concentrate on my role as an author.
My life-long passion is good science-fiction! Having grown up with the greats, I am determined to become one.
I love cats, landscaping and reading good books.
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– Joe Dacy II