Quantum Butterfly
Reality Is Chaos
September, 2032: A dull boom echoes through the urban canyons of downtown Dallas.

Book Summary →
Quantum Butterfly
September, 2032: A dull boom echoes through the urban canyons of downtown Dallas. A 50-story skyscraper shudders. A firecracker-like rumble fills the air. In five seconds, floor by floor, the 646-foot tower pancakes into the ground.
Six months earlier, Rusty Chambers, a quantum programmer, takes a consulting job with the Artificial Intelligence giant, Quantum Query. The secretive, insular company’s Project 143771 will revolutionize the field . . .
… IF it can survive the hordes of techjays, the anti-AI protesters.
… IF Rusty can navigate the labyrinth of corporate politics, greed, and deceit.
… And IF he can break free of the cycles of History, and the Butterfly Effects of his personal decisions.
Explore the Dark Side of AI — where Reality IS Chaos!
What readers say about the book🧐
I’ve read a few books from Joc Dacy II before, but Quantum Butterfly: Reality is Chaos is by far his best. It’s 2032. Huge tech corporations are wealthier and more powerful than governments. Artificial intelligence is getting to the point where androids indistinguishable from humans without disassembly are just starting to become possible. One of the mega-corporations enlists a quantum programmer to put the finishing touches on making an android as indistinguishable from humans as possible. The FBI gets involved as part of their investigation of a terrorist plot of sorts.The terror plot is a bit murky. The mega-corps have tame supposedly anti-corporate or anti-technology groups covertly under their control and use them in various ways against one another, sometimes using violence in a kind of deniable low-level corporate warfare.One of these corporate-controlled groups may have gone rogue and actually become the anti-corporate, anti-technology group it has always claimed it was, or it may be a pawn in a more intricate and deadly than usual corporate maneuver. In any case, the FBI thinks that the group is getting ready to bomb a large building and is not sure whether or not the programmer is involved.Lots of intrigue here and pretty well written. Dacy frames the book as a series of decisions (he calls them butterflies) that could have gone either way and collectively have a huge impact on the way things end up.The e-book version, at least, has some interesting formatting features. Each chapter starts with a brief pull-quote—something memorable that happened somewhere in the chapter. I haven’t quite decided if I like that or not. If the author isn’t careful, he can create spoilers, but if done carefully, the technique can pull you into a chapter.Overall, this is a good read, well worth taking a look at.
Dale R. Cozort

About the Author →
Joe Dacy II
A former reporter and editor, I hold a Bachelor of Journalism degree with High Honors from The University of Texas. After about six years in journalism and eight years selling real estate, I entered the field of law enforcement and served as a patrolman and detention officer for four years.
For the next 18 years I worked in computer software training, holding various positions in the fields of sales force automation, telecom, web development and business intelligence.
At the end of 2013, I retired from the rat-race, giving me time to concentrate on my role as an author.
My life-long passion is good science-fiction! Having grown up with the greats, I am determined to become one.
I love cats, landscaping and reading good books.
Visit my website at http://www.dacy.com.
And see my Facebook blog at: http://www.facebook.com/dacydotcom
– Joe Dacy II
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September, 2032: A dull boom echoes through the urban canyons of downtown Dallas.