
Who's Really Robbing God Anyway?

KLEPTOMANIAC is a journey into the annuals of biblical history

Book Summary


KLEPTOMANIAC is a journey into the annuals of biblical history concerning what the Bible teaches about tithing and giving. This book takes you on a proverbial archeological quest to uncover the true meaning of biblical tithing to end all false teachings that have robbed millions of their wealth in the biggest ponzi-scheme ever manufactured in the annuls of biblical history.   When confusion exists about what certain words mean in the Bible, such as tithe, tithing, tenth or ten percent, this book will examine the Hebrew and Greek language to bring to life what these words actually mean in context. This book will upend the common beliefs held by believers concerning giving and tithing based on the history of the original people of the Bible and how they related to money. From the very beginning to the end of the book, everything is supported by Scripture and research. You will know from the onset why the author, Dr. Frank Chase Jr., wrote the book and learn about his personal story of what happened as a result of embracing New Covenant giving principles from the New Testament. No book asks questions like this book. And some of those questions are: does the Bible talk about tithing? Did God change the tithe at some point in biblical history? Are first fruits money? Is the tithe food or money? Is the church the storehouse? Did Jesus, Paul and the Disciples tithe? Did the early church honor a money tithe system? Are Christians really cursed for not tithing ten percent of their income? These questions will be answered based on scholarship, the land, the language and the literature of the original Biblical people. Not only does the book cover the Old Testament tithe, but it will travel through time to unveil what the New Testament teaches about giving and tithing by analyzing some of the epistles of Apostle Paul concerning his views and the instructions he gave on charitable giving. This book defines biblical terms using the Hebrew and Greek text to bring clarity and understanding of the scripture in context. KLEPTOMANIAC defines the actual orthodox biblical tithe.

What readers say about the book🧐

This book is "spot-on" with Scripture regarding the tithe. Human beings (most probably the Roman Catholic Church) invented the "monetary tithe," NOT God our Father via His Son, Lord Jesus.Increase in agricultural production and increase in animals as per Leviticus 27:30 & 32 (see below), were the items to be tithed, NOT money. To quote Mr Chase on page 116: "Fear induced tithing is much more profitable than freewill giving." And so it is...Lev 27:30 “And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is Jehovah's: it is holy unto Jehovah.” Lev 27:32 “And all the tithe of the herd or the flock, whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto Jehovah.False teachings were around in the day of the Apostle Paul, and they abound today more-so than ever. Be vigilant my brothers and sisters. Cultivate and expand your relationship with our Father via His Son Lord Jesus throughout every moment of every day. Love & Blessings to all, always and in all ways.

Stephanie Keller Rohde

(Amazon Review)
About the Author

Frank Chase, Jr.

Frank Chase, Jr. is the son of Frank Chase and Romaine Berry. He grew up in Baltimore Md. and graduated from Walbrook High School in 1978. After high school, Frank spent four years in the United States Army and during that time became a follower of the Messiah. After completing his tour of duty, he attended Washington State University (WSU) and graduated in 1989 with a Bachelor’s degree in Communications and a minor in Sociology. Because Frank believes in education, he pursued religious degrees and graduated from North Carolina College of Theology with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies, a Master of Arts in Theology, and a Doctor of Theology. Frank is a sincere person and has been involved in the church for the majority of his life. When he believes in a cause, he commits himself to gain a full understanding even when it goes against traditional, religious and secular belief systems. He submerged his entire being into the tithe doctrine versus freewill giving for four years to understand the different tithe teaching propagated in the church circuit. Frank’s decision to shift from tithing to freewill giving was difficult for him and his family. His decision resulted in wins and losses both emotionally, spiritually and financially. Through tears, fears and not fully knowing what would happen when he took a stand on freewill giving over tithing, Frank decided to move forward and write a tithing book three years later. Anyone who knows Frank will tell you that he has always been an analytical thinker about every aspect of life even from childhood. Frank seeks to start a conversation about mandatory tithe doctrines that make promises and guarantees of health and wealth, but never deliver. After 30 years of tithing, Frank cried out to God for answers unaware that tithing almost sent his family into bankruptcy. God heard his prayer and a Jewish Rabbi answered the call by providing spiritual enlightenment to start Frank on his journey for truth. Frank Chase Jr. has been married for 19 years to Teresa Chase. He is a proud father of six children, Jeremiah, Nathanial, Roketta, Amanda, Emmanuel, and Sara. He has five grandsons, Xavier, Josiah, Aleksey, Jayden and Eli. In his professional career, Frank writes preventive maintenance articles for Army aircraft for the Department of the Army. He is an avid racquetball player, and loves movies, reading and good conversation, and he never shies away from talking about difficult or even controversial subjects.

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KLEPTOMANIAC is a journey into the annuals of biblical history

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