Back to Slavery
Royal is an outstanding high school basketball player from Atlanta, Georgia, that has a bright future ahead of him.

Book Summary →
Back to Slavery
Royal is an outstanding high school basketball player from Atlanta, Georgia, that has a bright future ahead of him. Even though things are going great for him, he really doesn’t understand how far his people (African ancestors) have come for him to be able to be in the position he’s in. Royal didn’t care much about what his ancestors had to go through in the past. He thought slavery was pretty simple. “Just sit back, do your work in the fields, and listen to the white man. How bad could that be?”
Not caring about how tough slavery was for his ancestors, one night after he falls asleep, Royal awakens in an unfamiliar place. He wasn’t in Atlanta, Georgia, anymore. He wakes up on a slave plantation where he witnessed hangings, beatings, sufferings, and hard labor in the fields. He goes to sleep every night wishing to wake up in his bed back in Atlanta only to wake back up in slavery every time. Royal is horrified as he tries to survive slavery and everything that comes with it. Will Royal ever make it back home? Or will he forever be stuck back in slavery?
What readers say about the book🧐
A well written story straight from the heart of this author. This was a step back into yesteryear when lives were not lived as they are today. The story of this young man's feeling of entitlement gives the reader much to think about. This would be an excellent example of required reading for middle and high school students.
Zoe J

About the Author →
Rod Ballard
Rod Ballard is a 2017 Readers Favorite Award Winning Author.
Rod Ballard is an author, writer, motivational speaker, and entrepreneur that is a native of South Carolina.
Rod is committed to fitness and living a positive life. It is his personal belief that the way you keep yourself up on the outside reflects who you are on the inside. In his spare time he enjoys reading, writing and listening to music of various styles but favors Smooth Jazz and R&B. He also commits to motivational speaking and anything that has a positive role in his life and the lives of others.
Rod Ballard’s future aspirations is to be a best-selling author and to see his works on movie screens.
Are you ready to read it now?
Royal is an outstanding high school basketball player from Atlanta, Georgia, that has a bright future ahead of him.