A Mother's Walk Through Scripture

A Prayerful Journey Through the Gospels

From her yes to an angel’s message until her last prayerful breath,

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Book Summary →

A Mother's Walk Through Scripture

From her yes to an angel’s message until her last prayerful breath, the Blessed Mother was the first disciple of Christ, studying Him and learning from Him for thirty years, before Jesus called his first Apostle. Walk with Jesus as he teaches, heals, and ultimately makes the trip to Golgotha, but see it through his mother’s eyes. Let us stop to consider this pure mother’s heart, her devotion to God, and her example of how to be a good disciple of Christ. Let us learn from the woman who bore and raised our Savior.

What readers say about the book🧐

I read Donna Silveira’s new book, A Mother’s Walk Through Scripture, and absolutely loved it! This book takes readers through a guided reading of the Rosary and each mystery. It really helps readers visualize and connect with each decade’s mystery while taking their faith deeper. Many of my faith formation students do not truly understand meditative rosary prayer. They understand how to recite the Our Father or a Hail Mary, but simultaneously reflecting on the mysteries of the rosary while reciting the prayers is more challenging, even for adults. Even students who are properly catechized, find praying the rosary more difficult than a personal, relational prayer or a simple Our Father. This book takes readers through the mysteries and explains what to reflect on in every stage. Not only did this book make praying the rosary easier and more understandable to my students, it also expanded my knowledge and gave me new perspective on some of the mysteries that I will now continue to teach to my class. I especially love how Jesus’s baptism was explained in the First Luminous Mystery chapter, Jesus stepped in the place of the sinners. Each chapter included in the guide was perfectly tied in and supplemented with scripture. A Mother’s Walk Through Scripture is the perfect short devotional packed full of information. I would recommend to anyone! It is easy enough for faith formation students, and short enough for busy moms to utilize while trying to improve their prayer life.


(Amazon Review)
About the Author →

Donna Silveira

From the bustling heart of San Diego to the rustic embrace of Texas, Donna Silveira’s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. As she stands on the rich Texan soil, Donna beautifully weaves together her roles as a passionate professional, rancher’s partner, and devoted matriarch. A shining luminary of MENSA, she embodies brilliance and versatility. With two decades illuminating the realm of computer science, and backed by a Bachelor’s and twin Master’s degrees in computer science and cybersecurity, Donna’s mark on the tech industry is profound.

Yet, beneath the laurels of her professional accolades lies a soul profoundly touched by faith’s redemptive power. A traumatic encounter in her youth cast a shadow on her relationship with God, igniting a relentless quest for spiritual truth. Venturing through diverse spiritual terrains, from Christianity to myriad non-Christian doctrines, she felt an inexorable pull toward her Catholic heritage. Today, Donna delves deep into her communion with the triune God, drawing inspiration from saints and sacred teachings.

Life in Texas is vibrant and full. As a mother at the helm of a blended family of six, and steward of a thriving ranch teeming with cows, goats, chickens, and more, Donna is intimately connected to the land’s rhythms. And her artistic soul sings, quite literally. Her melodious past, dotted with semi-professional performances and accolades, attests to her musical prowess.

A fervent ambassador for Catholicism and a guiding light as a life coach, Donna’s online sanctuary, MyCatholicChat.com, is a treasure trove of spiritual resources. Her drive? To lead souls towards a deeper communion with faith.

Her magnum opus, “This Is Your Last Warning: An Authoritative End of Days Timeline,” stands as a clarion call in an age of skepticism. Donna fervently believes in the importance of heeding the wisdom of Church-approved apparitions and mystics, especially in our current, tumultuous era. With scholarly acclaim, her book shines a spotlight on these prophecies, becoming a beacon of understanding in uncertain times.

Are you ready to read it now?

From her yes to an angel’s message until her last prayerful breath,

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