Under The Eye

a 1930's Adventure

Cairo, 1936. Effie, a ten-year-old orphan from London,

Book Summary

Under The Eye

Cairo, 1936. Effie, a ten-year-old orphan from London, turns up in a packing case at the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities. All her life she has dreamed that her mother is an Egyptian princess, but she is faced with cruelty and crushing disappointment before she finds what she is looking for.
Beattie Trevethan is the daughter of the advisor to the Minister of the Interior and, along with her close friend and archaeologist Marcus Dunwoody, she takes Effie under her wing. Beattie is singled out by the ‘Eye of Horus’ gang, who are intent on driving the British out of Egypt by any means necessary.
The lives of Effie, Beattie and Marcus are changed forever in a country beset by civil unrest.

What readers say about the bookšŸ§

My first reaction to this original and fast-moving thriller by Marilyn Pemberton was to be intrigued by the setting. I knew almost nothing about Egypt in the thirties. What a revelation this story was! The setting has been carefully researched, and the author conjures up that long-gone world very well.Against the background of Egypt struggling to shake the quasi-colonial yoke of the British Empire, a cast covering all the bases comes into play: Beattie, the liberal educated daughter of colonial servant Sir Gryffryn; his eccentric sister Aunt Edith; love interest and archaeologist, Marcus; and Captain Karim of the Cairo police. Not forgetting young Effie, whose chapters alternate with Beattieā€™s as the adventures gather pace and jeopardy.It took me a while to adjust to Effie, the child narrator, whose voice could be uneven at times. A careful edit might have smoothed some early bumps in the plot and voice.But the story really heated up when the action moved from Cairo to Luxor, and I found the book became engaging and absorbing through to the satisfying end.I understand from the author that Effie and Beattie may be back in a future adventure; I hope so!

Jacquie Rogers

(Amazon Review)
About the Author

Marilyn Pemberton

I have always worked in IT and until October 2019 I was a full-time project manager. Now that I am retired I can focus on the thing I love most – writing. At the age of 40 I did a part-time BA degree in Literature at Warwick, which progressed to an MA and then a PhD, my thesis being “Glimpses of Utopia & Dystopia in Victorian Fairylands”. As a result of giving a paper on fairy tales I was approached by a publisher who suggested I gather together some lesser known fairy tales and as a result “Enchanted Ideologies: A Collection of Rediscovered Nineteenth-Century English Moral Fairy Tales” was published by The True Bill Press in 2010. I don’t think the book is still available as the publisher went out of business.

During my research I ā€œdiscoveredā€ Mary De Morgan, a Victorian writer of fairy tales, amongst many other things. I became somewhat obsessed with De Morgan and as I wanted to share my research I wrote “Out of the Shadows: The Life and Works of Mary De Morgan”, which was published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing in 2012. Despite my intensive research there were still many gaps in my knowledge – (why didn’t she marry, why did she go to Egypt, how did she become a directress of a girls’ reformatory) – and because I couldn’t let De Morgan, or the act of writing, go I decided to write a fictional novel based on De Morganā€™s life – the result being “The Jewel Garden”. It is told from the perspective of a fictional character and tells of her fictional relationship with Mary De Morgan. This novel is a labour of love and I am thrilled that William & Whiting published it in February 2018.

My second novel, “Song of the Nightingale” was published in December 2019. It has just WON the Fiction Category of the 2020 International Rubery Book Award. It is a historical novel, set in 18th century Italy that tells of two young boys who are bought from their families, castrated and then trained to be singers. This was something that was actually done at the time, though this story is purely fictional. It is told from the point of view of Philippe, who is the count’s secretary and is tasked with taking the boys to Florence and settling them into the conservatoire, which is run by Jesuits. It tells of the boys’ journey, of course, but it also tells of love, murderous revenge, deceit and reconciliation.

I am interested in the re-telling of stories, especially the fairy tale, through the centuries, and I am in the process of writing a trilogy, which will tell of three generations of women and their attempts to tell their ā€œher-storiesā€ to a world deaf to the female voice. “A Teller of Tales” and “A Keeper of Tales” have been published and include new fairy tales throughout the books as a link between the women. I am now writing book 3, “A Seeker of Tales,” which I hope to complete by mid 2023.

Are you ready to read it now?

Cairo, 1936. Effie, a ten-year-old orphan from London,

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