A Bolt From The Blue

The Halifax Explosion

The year is 1917 on a cold snowbound scenario in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Book Summary

A Bolt From The Blue

The year is 1917 on a cold snowbound scenario in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. The time is 9am and many folks were either getting ready for another working day or still in bed. The snowbound scenery was soon to become blood begrimed as two ammunition ships collided in the Harbor of Halifax and Dartmouth. Almost two thousand lives were lost on that fateful day and thousands were blinded by flying glass as they ran to office windows wondering if the war had come to them.

This is the story of a young man, aged only fifteen, who goes from a boy to a man in almost a day as he struggles to save the many lives consisting of many school children who had just began the day. Unknown. To John, all his family perish in the explosion. As dirt mingled with blood, his hands dug continually as he listened for voices crying out for help. Tirelessly he could be seen dragging bodies towards every growing pile along with others. This story is of course fiction woven around the true story using fictional characters throughout to avoid reviving memories for living relatives. This is essentially John’s story, a story of heroism and courage we can only admire. A red-letter day it was called in the local papers, and without help from their local neighbors in Boston who supplied medicine and doctors as the injured piled up along with the dead. A story that should never be forgotten.

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About the Author

Robert James Bridge


As an author,like many others I am prepared to take criticism and comments,but would just like to say all four of the Hell Bent Series are infact fiction and Jim Bent is a fictional character,as are all of my crime series books.Sprinkled with sex and violence I have noted this by saying they are adult fiction and not for children to read.I have to admit they contain graphic sexual scenes and some might be offended,but this is real life and things happen that sometimes offend us?.Jim Bent is Just an ex met cop who faces life as it is?.

Member of Crime Writers Association Great Britain-The Hell Bent Series of fictional crime!.


Now also on Kindle and available to read is the first and second on the Hell Bent Series.The first being Hell Bent on Murder and now we have Hell Bent on Revenge,coming shortly is Hell Bent on Corruption and this takes Jim to a murder in the Publishing fraternity.I hope readers have enjoyed the series so far, and will want to read more of Jim Bent and his adventures.Dont forget Kinmel Revisited Historical Fiction is also available to read now!.

Coming shortly is the third in the hell bent series entitled HELL BENT ON CORRUPTION and this one takes its readers into the world of publishing!.Number four in the series is now up and ready for any faithful readers,and this is called HELL BENT ON BLACKMAIL!.

I am a published author who is now retired so I spend most of my days either researching or writing books.Today I have many other books awaiting publication including another of historical fiction and indeed a series of fictional crime I am hoping to put on the kindle books site in the near future.

A series I fondly call The Hell Bent Series since it features an ex met cop called Jim Bent.After fifteen years as a cop in the Met and a bullet still lodged in his back from a failed bank robbery Jim decides its time he took up a new occupation,an occupation he never realised would take him to his old stamping ground on the streets of London.Now available is book four in the hell bent series entitled Hell Bent on Blackmail.The cover of this book was from-www.the cover collection.com whom I thank very much!.

I hope readers of kindle enjoy reading my latest venture which features my premier tome of historical fiction entitled “Kinmel Revisited” on Kindle?.Although the story is infact true and the events at Kinmel Army Camp in 1919 did happen.I have woven a story of history and mystery using fictional characters so as not to offend any living relatives. Although today I have two books published in America ,I did have four published in Canada in 2007 ie a series of crime and kinmel Revisited,but alas for some reason they were remaindered in 2008 and copyrights returned to me the author. Today I continue to enjoy writing and hope readers enjoy my books on the Kindle site. Kinmel Revisited was created when my wife and I once lived in North Wales.It was whilst we stood over the five graves with the Maple Leaf Emblem on them,I knew one day I would write the complete story.A story of a riot by some four hundred men of the Canadian Expeditonary Force at Kinmel Army Camp in North Wales, A Riot that happened simply because the men wanted to go home after fighting in the war to end all wars.The camp conditions were said to be worse than those in the trenches. With a flu epidemic sweeping the camp and lack of pay it seems the men could take no more and the descision to riot came about!.

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The year is 1917 on a cold snowbound scenario in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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