The Mystery of Time Is Who You Are

Answers for Life

Being a human means living in a cycle of suffering and joy, failure and success, rejection and acceptance.

Book Summary

The Mystery of Time Is Who You Are

Being a human means living in a cycle of suffering and joy, failure and success, rejection and acceptance. Yet, finding the strength to maintain that faith, motivation, and gained wisdom requires us to accept that much of life is mysterious, beyond our control or understanding.

To find true peace and happiness, we must give up the constant frustration of trying to know the unknowable or control the uncontrollable. “The Mystery of Time is Who You Are” is a deep and profound meditation focused on the timeless book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, beginning with, “To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven.”

“Getting on with life takes a lifetime,” but accepting time as our teacher, and embracing the present moment as our most precious gift, allows us to experience life fully for all the days of our life. This book will soothe your soul, clarify your vision, energize your mind and anchor your heart with satisfying and comforting answers for a lifetime.

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(Amazon Review)
About the Author

Elizabeth Upton

Elizabeth Upton is a best-selling American author and influential writer of gripping fiction and inspiring self-help non-fiction books.

Her best-selling books, ‘Secrets of a Nun: My Own Story,’ ‘The Silver Woman of Fire’ and the newest ‘The Healing Swords of Love and Innocence’ helped set her firmly within the world’s literary map. With many novels to her credit, her new book in June 2022 is titled ‘Lovers’ Secrets and Revenge,’ a gripping thriller, Elizabeth’s favorite she enjoyed writing was ‘The Shaman and The Mafia,’ as she shares, “The creation of this story has been an exciting journey. If possible, I would love to meet all of the characters in this book in real life.” The author’s non-fiction books and novels are available on Amazon, and Amazon Kindle while featured on fine literary book sites and magazines.

Elizabeth was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA., until the age of sixteen, when she entered a New York State Convent and became a nun for twenty years, but she yearned for a more authentic spiritual life. Elizabeth left the convent and chose to attend and receive her B.A. from Syracuse University. Moving back to her native state of California, she attended and received her M.A. from Chapman University in psychology. The Author began working for over thirty years in family counseling as a social worker and probation officer working with troubled teens and abused children. She is a speaker, spiritual mentor, and advisor.

Elizabeth is happily married and enjoys writing books for her reader fans around the world. When the Author is not writing, she works out with a personal trainer to stay fit and healthy; she loves spending time on long walks on the beach with her husband and dog. Her favorite colors are blue, green, and gold. She enjoys reading good books by some of her favorite authors like Geraldine Brooks, Hanh, Jerry Archer, Joseph Murphy, and Michael Connelly. Elizabeth and her husband reside in Santa Barbara, California.

Visit her new official author and book website for new releases and upcoming updates at

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Being a human means living in a cycle of suffering and joy, failure and success, rejection and acceptance.

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