The Lemurian Way

Remembering your essential nature

“The Lemurian Way is a fascinating account of the Lemurian civilization and, more importantly, what it meant to be a Lemurian.

Book Summary

The Lemurian Way

“The Lemurian Way is a fascinating account of the Lemurian civilization and, more importantly, what it meant to be a Lemurian. Lauren O. Thyme, Storyteller, with the guidance of Lemurian Elders and the help of Sareya Orion, Library, has created a striking account of the customs, lifestyles, and harmonious community of people known as Lemurians. Lauren has done a masterful job of showing what life was like during this ancient civilization. If you feel drawn to Lemuria, or Mu, for whatever reason, and would like to know more, The Lemurian Way provides you with a truly wonderful understanding and awareness of the Lemurian civilization, and the glory that Lemuria was. And by exploring, studying, and remembering our distant past, we can better understand why we are here now.” — Andrew Lutts, Founder, Salem New Age Center“The Lemurian Way could be used as a guidebook for the new millennium.” — Alex Lumen, former art director, FATE magazine“Thanks for the awakening your book gave me.” – Roy Briggs, NigeriaYou are loved so dearly in Turkey, Lauren. The Lemurian Way marked a pivotal moment in my awakening. Thank you for your being and sharing. The Lemurian Way is my bedside book, dear author. — Selin Mikaela Bolu, TurkeyLauren O. Thyme and Sareya Orion have their own soul memories of Lemuria and created this book in partnership with Lemurian Elders. The Lemurian Elders, many of whom may be Ascended Masters, are a loving and gentle group of souls who advise and teach human beings the essential nature of the universe from their perspective in the spirit world. The Elders describe the harmonious life they experienced in Lemuria as a guidepost for human civilization today. They elaborate on the ease of Universal Laws and Wisdom as they lived it, knowledge as old as humanity. Pieces of knowledge have been explored extensively throughout time in myths, legends, archetypes, philosophy, world religions, and mystic thought. Information has issued forth from countless shamans, prophets, mystics, philosophers, poets, psychics, and recently by transpersonal psychologists, scientists, and physicists. However, the Elders’ intention is to complete our education: to present the entire body of knowledge, kept secret for ages, to prepare for the leap in planetary evolution. To accomplish that, they stimulate deep soul memories by presenting details of their society that encompass the order, logic, and harmony of the universe. They remind us to allow recognition, knowledge residing in individual souls, to just happen. They encourage us, not just to understand with our intellects, but to feel the wisdom in our bodies. Most iimportantly, the Elders quietly remind us that Universal Laws and Wisdom were initiated and put into motion by a loving Creator Source, so that everyone can live one’s essential nature of peace, harmony, love, and joy.

What readers say about the book🧐

What a gift! I, thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and being presented with the gift of remembering What I felt Within as my own as I read. It's filled with deep wisdom and memories of what it was like living in Lemuria times and very much rewarding. For anyone feeling g a connection to Lemuria, check this book out, answers and continual insights will come your way.


(Amazon Review)
About the Author

Lauren O. Thyme

Lauren O. Thyme

Lauren offers spiritual and astrological consultations.

YOUTUBE VIDEOS 15 of them! based on 2 books below:–NkZqsQ_mw/playlists




WEBSITE: — you can read chapters for free

NEW BOOK 2021 Visiting Sacred Sites can Transform Your Life — paperback, hard cover, ebook

Her website freely explores 105 metaphysical tours offered by 47 tour companies

TRANSLATIONS of The Lemurian Way and Living in the New Lemuria – available in German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

At the tender age of five, Lauren experienced a near-death experience. When she came out of her coma, she could then see and hear her Council of Elders (a group of Ascended Masters who advise, teach and nurture her) and became clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, mediumistic, and pre-cognitive. Lauren remembers 105 of her past lives in detail, including identifying people she meets and what their relationship have been in one or more past lives. She has remembered her lifetime in Lemuria since she was 15 years old.

Her Amazon/Kindle book, TRAVELING ON THE RIVER OF TIME, is a self-help book for you to explore your own past lives.

Lauren has published 14 books which are sold world-wide; is a contributor to the anthology Awaken The Feminine!: Dismantling Domination to Restore Balance on Mother Earth; hundreds of articles; FATE MAGAZINE published her article: My Life with Fairies and Devas

Lauren O. Thyme has been a psychic and spiritual counselor for the last 55 years. She has also been a professional astrologer for 47 years.

Ms. Thyme graduated with a B.S. in Psychology from Sierra University in 1988 and studied with Dr. Joshua David Stone for a year’s internship in order to become a MFC counselor.

Lauren studied with High Priest of Sekhmet Peter Paddon and was ordained as Priestess of Hathor through the Fellowship of Isis. Lauren created her own Egyptian Lyceum (school) of Hathor, Sekhmet and Anubis, and continues her studies of ancient Egyptian Mystery School. She traveled on metaphysical tours to Egypt three times, the last time while leading her own metaphysical tour. Four of her past lifetimes included being an initiate, twice a Priestess, as well as a High Priestess of Hathor at Dendera, Egypt.

In 1996 Lauren had a major transformational experience and was gifted with a new birthday and birth chart coming in on Gold Light. After that experience Lauren was drawn to travel internationally, visiting sacred sites and writing/publishing articles based on her experiences there. . She created THE EGYPT STORE and sold Egyptian reproductions.

For 40 years Lauren has been an organic gardener and also owned/operated a permaculture farm for 7 years on Whidbey Island in Washington State. She has two children and two grandchildren and currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Are you ready to read it now?

“The Lemurian Way is a fascinating account of the Lemurian civilization and, more importantly, what it meant to be a Lemurian.

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