As Time Goes By

AS TIME GOES BY Nearing the end, Old asks himself, “Does my life ultimately have any importance in any universal scheme?

Book Summary

As Time Goes By

AS TIME GOES BY Nearing the end, Old asks himself, “Does my life ultimately have any importance in any universal scheme? Am I just taking up space? Have I wasted the time given me? What effect have I had on others? Have I unknowingly, worse, knowingly, hurt others in some fashion? What’s my worth? These are playful existential questions with no pertinent answers for me. So I’m putting down my cane and picking up my pen. I’m going to sift through the sands of my time to see what I can discover through remembrance. Don’t expect any fancy writing. No playing with altered punctuation, or trying to be aesthetically clever, or poetic, or intellectual. Not here a Sedaris, or Saunders, or Atwood, or Yuknavich. Just me, squinting into some memorable windows in my life before they all fog.” W. Royce Adams’ fictional works include The Rairarubia Tales, The Computer’s Nerd, Me & Jay, Jay, and Against the Current, a collection of short stories. He lives in Santa Barbara, California.

What readers say about the book🧐

As Time Goes By by W. Royce Adams is a well written story that focuses on a man named Old as he gets closer to the end of his life. Old thinks about a variety of things that are going on in his life or have taken place during his time. He thinks about his time in the Navy and what that time meant to both himself and to others. As he thinks about these things he has gone through, he also thinks about how he fits into a larger picture and sequence of events. The questions that he asks himself are interesting and cause the reader to think about how they apply to him. If you are looking for a book that will make you think about the impact that you have had on the world around you, then this is a great read for you. While the narrative is engaging, the conversations that come from the bigger questions will keep you interested for a long time.

Phil Bolos

(Amazon Review)
About the Author

W Royce Adams

I’d like to thank those readers who take the time to write reviews of my books. It’s very helpful to hear your comments. I hope you’ll enjoy my latest work, “Scar Songs: Stories” and I hope you’ve had a chance to read my novel, “As Time Goes By.” I can be reached at: where you will find reviews of other of my books. I’d be happy to hear from you. Watch me read from “As Time Goes By” on Chaucers Bookstore YouTube.

Over the years, I have published over a dozen college textbooks, academic journal articles, fantasy middle-grade chapter books, three juvenile novels, a short story collection, “Against the Current,” and a novel, “As Time Goes By.” I won the Haunted Waters Literary Magazine’s 2016 Grand Prize Short Story Contest, Honorable Mentions from Glimmer Train, and for a notable essay of 2016 by Best American Essays, 2017. My works have appeared in The Rockford Review, Black Fox Literary Magazine, Catamaran, In the Depths, Coe Review, Chaffey Review, Adelaide, bosque, Evening Street Press and others. I am Past-president of the California Reading and Learning Association and a member of The Authors Guild. I live in Santa Barbara, California. Visit me on my web site:

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AS TIME GOES BY Nearing the end, Old asks himself, “Does my life ultimately have any importance in any universal scheme?

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