
Set in the 1970s, the story follows a day in the life of Arthur Pickering.

Book Summary


Set in the 1970s, the story follows a day in the life of Arthur Pickering. An ex-army man, now dedicated to being a school crossing “lollypop” patrolman. Arthurs strong dislike of motorist’s bad manners and yobs is tempered by the love of his job as he continues his crusade against modern society. With his mischievous sense of humour and his little black book of misdemeanours, he is loved by some, terrifies the motorist, and feared by the rest

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About the Author

Glyn Davies

Santa & Trevor were written for my children 35+ years ago whilst working as a truck driver, you get a lot of time to think working nights.

Now semi retired I have returned to my passion for writing again

I have always had a quirky sense of humour which I hope has ncome across in my books

As a child of the 50’s I was brought up on the television programmes of Mr Pastry, The Marx Bros, Laurel & Hardy, Charlie Chaplin & many more.

Which is where my love of slapstick and the absurd comes from.

I get the biggest thrill from making people smile. With my writing, I hope to entertain, not just children but anyone who is still a kid inside.

Are you ready to read it now?

Set in the 1970s, the story follows a day in the life of Arthur Pickering.

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