
A New Zealand historical novel

Discover a captivating tale of love and redemption set against a divided society.

Book Summary


Discover a captivating tale of love and redemption set against a divided society.

Rachel, a socialite, and Richard, a humble farm labourer; yearn for a future together. Yet, they face an insurmountable obstacle in Rachel’s fathers refusal to grant his blessing.

Determined to overcome this challenge, Richard embarks on a daring quest to win Rachels hand. He seizes the opportunity to serve his Queen and Country by joining the prestigious New Zealand Mounted Rifles, and volunteering to fight in the tumultuous landscape of South Africa.

War becomes a grueling test of Richards strength and resilience. As he endures hunger and exhaustion, he unexpectantly encounters Lady Sarah, an aristocratic noblewoman. In an unexpected turn of events, he becomes her protector, and is thrust into a world of stark cultural differences. But, when captivity binds them together, they must unite and trust one another, their survival dependant on a fragile alliance.

Meanwhile, back home, Rachel faces her own trials. Unaware of impending danger lurking in her midst, she confronts a shocking revelation that shakes her family to the core.

“Forgiven” has garnered widespread acclaim, earning a resounding 5 star gold award from the presigious “International Review of Books.” Through its pages, readers are transported to a bygone era, where love and war intertwine in the crucible of Colonial times. With its poignant storytelling and restless pace, “Forgiven” will unleash a cinematic experience within your imagineation, leaving an indelable impression long after you turn the last page …

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4/1899, Whanganui, New Zealand. Richard was now working for Tingey Glass Co. (Victoria Ave). Racheal introduced Mr. Alistair Montgomery Purdue (father) & Mrs. Emily Ellen Purdue (mother) to Lance Corporal Richard Wilson (New Zealand Mounted Rifles). 10/1899, Cape Colony, South Africa. Camp Ormanville. Major Matlock (40+, co. commander),Major Watermeyer (40+, Intelligence Bureau), & Corporal Crawford (sketch artist, Intelligence Bureau) had met with Private Richard Wilson (soldier, narrator). Private Wilson’s description & Corporal Crawford drawing matched not only that of Erich von Smidt (30+, President Marthinus Wessel Pretorius Prussian mercenary spy/saboteur, explosives, Moriarty). Major Matlock informed Private Wilson that he was to go on the mission to help pursue/capture Erich von Smidt. Major Matlock & Private Wilson met with Major Kieran Conrad-Jones (40+, Royal Corps of Engineers). Next, Colonel Walter Walt James Anderson (former Canadian Mounties), Ambrose Floyd (Australian), & Harold Potts introduced themselves to Private Wilson (aka land agent) objective was to establish a ranching enterprise titled British South Africa Cattle Co. 12/1898, Patea (Mount Egmont), New Zealand. Aunt Zelda introduced Private Wilson too her 2 daughters: Agnes, Emma, & Rachel Purdue (Agnes’ BFF). Jamestown, Cape Colony, South Africa. Harold, Ambrose & Colonel Anderson woke up Private Wilson.The Dr., was looking Private Wilson over because he had been mugged. Chief Constable Wilkes had done an investigation but it turned up nothing. Why had Furtive Ferg (Fergie, local crook) been murdered with a shotgun through the jail cell window? Illwe, Cape Colony. South Africa. Catherine, Harriet, & Nellie stunned & looked on as the train station had been blown to smithereens. The Orange Free State prisoners that were still alive were rounded up & taken back into custody. Shaun Blaine was also another person of interest. 12/1899, Duntroon, Cape Colony South Africa. Who is Erich von Smidt (spy/master saboteur, kidnapper) after? Lance Corporal Richard Wilson in the New Zealand Mounted Rifles was reporting for duty as ordered. 1/1900, Rensburg, Cape Colony South Africa. Major Ainsworth & Lieutenant Devereaux are from the New South Wales Carbineers.What was Alistair Montgomery Purdue Esq. going before Justice Bulcher about? Molly had joined the Imperial Army Nursing Reserve. What were Sergeant Wallace Hillman & Colonel Peregrine Smith talking with Lance Corporal Wilson about?I did not receive any type of compensation for reading & reviewing this book. While I receive free books from publishers & authors, I am under no obligation to write a positive review. Only an honest one.A very awesome book cover, great font & writing style. A very well written Boar War Historical Fiction book. It was very easy for me to read/follow from start/finish & never a dull moment. There were no grammar/typo errors, nor any repetitive or out of line sequence sentences. Lots of exciting scenarios, with several twists/turns & a great set of unique characters to keep track of. This could also make another great Boar War fictional movie, or better yet a mini TV series. A very easy rating of 5 stars.Thank you for the free author; Lawson books; Amazon Digital Services LLC; book Tony Parsons MSW (Washburn)

Tony Parsons

(Amazon Review)
About the Author

Geoff Lawson

About The Author…

Geoff Lawson left school at fifteen, and became an accomplished carpenter, coachbuilder, restorer of old cars, buildings, and antique firearms. Along the way, he acquired the good wife, lovely daughters (grandchildren too) and has walked through all the 101 things that mark a life well lived. His first professional writing came with the restoration of an antique artillery gun whose history was largely unknown. The result was his first book “OUR GUN” which was followed by the historical novel “FORGIVEN.” Now retired and still with Wendy (the same good wife), writing has replaced his enthusiasm for more physical endeavours, although he is still involved with projects around the River City. (Whanganui, New Zealand).

There is quite a story about how I got started with writing. I became involved with a Museum project to restore an antique cannon, and soon realised that one day it would be finished. People would begin to ask questions, like ‘where did it come from, and “how did it get here.” So i began to do some research, so that I could write a 2-3 page pamphlet that outlined it’s story. I went to the Museum and asked them what they knew about it, which wasn’t very much – but they did give me an email address for a historian in South Africa, so I contacted him. What returned was a Pandora’s box of info – so much that my pamphlet had to be a book. Six years and much more research later, Our Gun was self published.

Forgiven became an offshoot of that. Once Our Gun was done and dusted, I realised that I had all this knowledge floating around in my head, and that I could use some of it as the background of a novel. I also knew that there was some old family stories, that suitably modified, could be blended into it. The story is about a young couple who lived in different towns in New Zealand and their struggle to marry. Richard, the male protagonist, decides to enlist to fight in the Anglo-Boer war because service to his empire and country would give him the right to marry Rachel; her unco-operative father would not be able to refuse.

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Discover a captivating tale of love and redemption set against a divided society.

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