Racism Is Real

Clive Henry

Clive Henry’s autobiography is a David and Goliath story.

Book Summary

Racism Is Real

Clive Henry’s autobiography is a David and Goliath story. One man’s fight to overcome adversity. Turning lemons into lemonade. An inspiring story. Against all odds; with a moral message to never give up.

What readers say about the book🧐

For many children in America, we are bombarded with the entertainment options available. Clive Henry loved his beginning in school in the steel drum band and hoped to continue on in one way or another within the entertainment world. But reality often steps in early, especially related to money...and especially when a parent, Clive's Father, died early in his life. Even if life had not been all that it could be, when tragedy hits, it results in a child suddenly considering whether his (or her) dreams are even possible.I already knew this, but each time I read that, within the homes of Black families in America, children are taught how to live with other boys and girls who are not the same color, it truly breaks my heart! For I always knew that Jesus had made children in both black, white and other colors. And He loved all of them equally.Even though history shows how Blacks have been treated since they were forced to come to America to work for no pay, as slaves, most Americans know that the discrimination that began in the cotton fields of the south, has continued until today, no matter in which part of the country we live.Clive chose to write his first book, mostly as a memoir. It is well written and shares much of his early life.Trust Nobody Was My MottoClive and I are not so different, though... When we started working, we did a good job, often being promoted, until somebody makes things change...With Clive, it happened much earlier than with me, and it definitely was because he was black (for me, it was because I was a woman in a male-dominated field). And Clive had his family's warnings about the real world in which we live/work... But Clive had gained sufficient self-worth to know he needed to do something--and not accept what was being done. The specifics related to a well-known company frankly, rings true as he writes it.Clive Henry is correct. Racism is alive and well in America, sadly there is no way to predict where it might arise. I recommend you read Henry's story if you wish to gain specific knowledge and the way it occurs. Because if you care, you need to speak out. There is NO reason that this continues... But it does.Kudos goes to Clive Henry for speaking out and acting to do something that affects him and so many others. That's what we can do if we all speak out and act related to Racism. Read Clive Henry's story! Then speak out and vote to ensure that those of a political party which is out of control may be stopped. We see it. Clieve Henry and others FEEL the results! Support Henry and get his book and share and talk about it! Personally, I am ashamed that Mr. Henry's memoir had to be based on his own personal experiences! America has a long way to go, starting with God's commandment to love our neighbors!GABixlerReviews


(Amazon Review)
About the Author

Clive Henry

Clive Henry’s, autobiography is a David and Goliath story. One man’s fight to overcome adversity. Turning lemons into lemonade. An inspiring story. Against all odds; with a moral message to never give up.

He fought a race discrimination case with his employer in 2010. Google: Clive Henry UPS. This autobiography captures the feel of a roller-coaster life; to educate, inspire and understand – the power of the spirit to overcome adversity.

Email: cliveh26@gmail.com

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Clive Henry’s autobiography is a David and Goliath story.

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