The Big White Church Down the Street

Give Me That Old Time Religion

Minister Calvin Allen is compassionate about people of God that are abused in any capacity.

Book Summary

The Big White Church Down the Street

Minister Calvin Allen is compassionate about people of God that are abused in any capacity. His purpose and calling is to serve God in informing and helping people make wise choices in choosing a church that lives by the Bible in words, and in deeds. Like Jesus, his focus is on the sinner, who, through bad choices and issues of life, has lost their way.
Minister Calvin is an author, minister, addiction counselor, and an award winning gospel music artist, whom God delivered from two devastating deaths. He holds two associates degrees in theology and human services, and currently pursuing his Bachelors in Organizational Behavior. He hosts an Overcomers Outreach Group weekly, while walking the streets in his community seeking those that are depraved and destitute. He volunteers on the Pastoral Team at the local hospital.

Minister Calvin is a voice of Hope for the lost—the sinner, who, seeks refuge in a societal structure that seems to be falling apart.

What readers say about the book🧐

With fewer than half of all American Christians believing that the ministry has high standards and ethics, and the congregations of churches decreasing consistently, has Christianity lost its way? Minister Calvin Allen examines the behavior and mindset of the church leaders today and compares them with the teachings of the New Testament in The Big White Church Down The Street. Didn't Jesus come to take away all our sins? Did he not come to rescue the sinners not the righteous? Has the church become a place of judgemental derision towards the needy in society? Church elders preach that to enter the Kingdom of God, we must practice good deeds, but the author believes differently; that to truly come closer to God we must have faith. Minister Allen also examines the subject of the ordination of women and if women are fully capable of executing their responsibilities according to the scriptures. To this end, he asks if the concept of the Five-Fold Ministry can be possible in modern-day ministry.I absolutely loved The Big White Church Down The Street by Calvin L Allen for so many reasons. First, the eloquence with which the minister has written is beautiful. He exudes compassion and kindness to everyone in society. He breathes fresh air into Christianity with his love and understanding of those who are downtrodden in society. I agreed wholeheartedly with every sentiment in regards to what makes a good Christian. To have faith and to help those less fortunate than ourselves is what matters; not attending a service and thinking that is all you need to do. The statistics quoted throughout are astonishing, especially the reasons people choose to attend church. The chapter on the ordination of women also made a lot of sense. I would highly recommend people who have become disillusioned with Christianity read this book because the contents will definitely reignite their faith again. It would also be useful to those who attend church regularly, so they can measure their behavior to discover if they are truly practicing the teachings of Christ

Lesley Jones for Readers' Favorite

(Amazon Review)
About the Author

Brother Calvin Allen

Brother Calvin Allen (1953) was born in Conetoe, a small town in Rural North Carolina, where he also worked on the farm at a very young age to help his family make ends meet. His many trails and suffering has brought him to know Jesus, and his love for him is shown in his writing. His first book, “And Other Sheep I Have Which Are Not Of This Fold; Them I Must Bring Also,” discloses his life, and the story of many who are traveling down the road he traveled. This is his first Christian Nonfiction, based on his life, the pain and suffering he inflicted on his life as a youth, and how God brought him back from two physical death…also how God will save many who have previously turned their backs on Him. It is only one of the many Christian Nonfiction he plans to write. His second book, “The Wound That Wouldn’t Heal,” should be out by early next year. Brother Calvin life has taken a 180 degrees turnaround. Today, he is a counselor, preacher, teacher, singer, facilitator, and author. All his credit goes to God.

In his recent work, his book titled, “The Big White Church Down the Street,” Brother Calvin Allen discloses the ineffective acts of church leaders, and the harm it has caused many who attend certain charismatic churches. He shares his personal testimonies and research of biblical theologians and pastors, who confirms the abuse that has driven many to becoming TV and PC evangelical viewers.

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Minister Calvin Allen is compassionate about people of God that are abused in any capacity.

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